Degree – Master of Science in Nursing, MSN
Concentration: Family Nurse Practitioner

Description of Program


Learning Outcomes

  • 评估护理和其他学科的理论和经验知识,用于指导护理研究, nursing pedagogy, and advanced nursing practice
  • 在整合研究的基础上产生新的教学和实践方法, theory, and practice knowledge
  • 掌握高级护理实践(FNP)的高级知识和技能
  • Analyze implication of ethical and legal issues affecting health care delivery, education, and research
  • Analyze the effect of organizational structure, functions, 以及开发和提供高质量医疗保健和教育项目的资源
  • Communicate effectively in a scholarly manner using oral, written, and information technology in a variety of settings
  • 承担领导角色,发起和指导变革,促进合作,促进护理教育和实践的持续发展
  • 参加影响高级护理实践和/或健康结果的专业组织和活动

Admission Requirements:

申请护理理学硕士的学生需要提交入学申请, Apply Online (

  • Three letters of recommendation (professional, academic, 个人,抬头正式信纸,签名原件,详细说明申请人研究生学习和未来护理实践的能力)
  • Resume
  • Goal Statement
  • 认可学校的正式成绩单(如果学生就读于不止一所学校), transcripts must be submitted from all schools attended). 至少一份成绩单必须证明学生具有学士学位,累计平均绩点为3.0. Some departments have additional requirements students must meet for admission
  • GPA of 3.0 or above in pre-requisites and nursing courses
  • 本科统计学入门级课程成绩达到C或以上
  • 在一个州或美国领土上执业护理的当前无阻碍执照的复印件,以及在你将完成临床实习的州获得执照的资格
  • Immunization Record
  • An interview with Graduate Nursing faculty
  • Individual Nursing Professional Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000/$3,000,000 (prior to first clinical practicum course)

只有在收到部门录取委员会的所有证书后才能做出决定. The department uses an admission formula to accept students. The entire application packet, including all supporting materials, must be submitted to the Graduate School. 官方考试成绩必须由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)提交,并且不得超过5年, official transcripts from the sending school, 由认可的证书评估机构进行的证书评估(国际学生).

Standardized Test:

研究生入学考试(GRE)普通考试是进入护理学硕士学位所需的官方标准化考试. WAIVED

Degree Requirements:

家庭护士执业护理学硕士课程要求完成44个学分的课程和一篇论文或非论文项目. An oral defense of the thesis is required for progression to degree completion.

Graduation expectations require the following:

  • 必须在pg电子游戏试玩完成至少38个学分的研究生指导
  • Earn no more than two Cs in coursework
  • Write an acceptable thesis and defend it orally or complete a non-thesis project
  • 大学接受的所有转学分的正式成绩单

学术顾问可以接受在认可的大学获得的最多六个学期的学分,并且研究生课程的成绩为“B”或更高. 如果替代课程符合课程要求,则允许在顾问和部门管理员的批准下替代课程作业,最长可达9小时.

See Transfer of Credits Policy for additional information.
See the Substitution of Courses Policy for additional information.

Academic Track: Thesis or Non-Thesis

论文或非论文项目是家庭护士执业理学硕士的退出要求. 本学科对论文或非论文的选题有特定的期望. 学生在研究生教师的指导下,对自己选择的相关学科的问题进行独立研究,写出一篇反映对主题和各自学科理解的论文.


Master Degree Audit:

Before candidacy for graduation can be confirmed, 每个学生完成学位的进度都将被评估,以确定学生是否满足了课程作业和学生学习课程的其他方面的所有学术要求以及研究生院的要求. When these requirements are met, the student is cleared for graduation.

Time to Degree Completion

pg电子下载的时间到学位完成政策允许6年完成家庭护士执业计划. Degree completion depends on the pace a student completes the curriculum. If the time exceeds six years, 学生必须请求研究生院考虑延长完成学位的时间.

See the Student Academic Appeals Policy for Expiration of Timeline for additional requirements

Degree Plan and Course Sequence

Thesis Track
Fall 1 (11 Hours)
NU 501 Role Development
NU 502 Advanced Pathophysiology
NU 503 Advanced Pharmacology
NU 506 Research Methods

Spring 1 (9 Hours)
NU 505 Advanced Health Assessment
NU 505L Advanced Health Assessment
NU 504 Theoretical Foundations in Nursing
NU 507 Rural Health Care Policy

Summer 1 (6 Hours)
NU 508 Clinical Management Theory I
NU 509 Clinical Management Practicum (120)
NU 514 Introduction to Human Genetics

Fall 2 (11 Hours)
NU 510 Clinical Management Theory II
NU 511 Clinical Management Practicum II (120)
NU 512 Clinical Management Theory III
NU 513 Clinical Management Practicum III (120)
NU 590A Thesis Track

Non-Thesis Track
NU 591A Project

Spring 2 (7 Hours)
NU 518 Synthesis Practicum (240)
NU 590B Thesis Track

Non-Thesis Track
NU 591B Project


For More Information Contact:
Dr. Brenda Collins, 601-304-4303, [email protected] (Department of Graduate Nursing)